七八文学 > 其他小说 > 姊便是豪门 > 第二章:断舍离



  「What are you doing? Are you kicking me out now?」

  「No, these are my stuff. And I only came back to say goodbye. We aren't meant to be, we need to part our ways.」

  「Aren't meant to be? Look at yourself, you wouldn't be here without me.」

  「Johnson, I'm tired of this. This is not what I want.」

  「What you want? You should ask me what I want!」

  「Johnson, thank you for all you've done before, but, we need to part our ways. We dream differently and don't have the same lifestyle.」

  「Whatever you say Leah. I'm not leaving today and you can't make me.」

  「That's fine, you can stay the night. Please find your own place, I've asked my agent to get this place listed for selling.」



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